Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Starting today...

Okay, so here I'll be posting everything that I put in my mouth... okay well any FOOD or DRINK that is.

You can weigh in on how I'm doing if you want.

So to catch up from last week:

Thursday 3/18-

B:banana split tofu smoothie (vita.mix recipe)

L: 1/2 c garlic rice
3/4 c chickpea romescu
small salad w/ french dressing (1Tbsp)

S: 1/2 c carrots w/ hummus 1/4 (LOVE me some hummus)

D: 1c steamed asparagus seasoned with Mr.s Dash
1c mixed vegetables
3/4 c wild rice

Friday 3/19-

B: banana split tofu smoothie

L: WW meal (sante fe style rice and beans)
med apple

3 slices Pa.pa Mur.phey's delight crust pizza (pepperoni and olive)
5 cowboy cookies
2 caffeine free diet cokes

Saturday 3/20- CHEATED!

B: Fruit and protein smoothie

L: 2 slices of leftover pizza

S: 4 cookies (not all at once, but over the day)

D: 1c Mac n cheese
2 Horns.by Ciders

Sunday 3/21:

B: Fruit and protein smoothie


S: 3 cookies

D: Dominoes pasta bowl (mother of all cheating!)

Monday 3/22-


L: 1/2 Chicken Salad sandwich on pita bread

S: 4 chocolate covered pretzels

D: 1c mixed vegetables (steamed)
1 diet coke
1/2 chicken salad sandwich on pita bread
5 chocolate covered pretzels

I think that brings me to today- which I'll post tomorrow. I realized how much I cheated over the weekend (I'd like to blame Batman, but I make my own decisions so I can't) EEK! Way too much. It didn't seem like it at the time... I guess that's why I'm posting it all, so it doesn't happen too often, right?

On with the weight loss!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I like to blame Josh on all my bad food choices over the weekends too.

    I see that you drink soda, is there anyway you could cut down on those? I know I read someplace that if you stop drinking soda you'll lose 10 pounds over a year, which when you think about it is pretty good for just doing that.
